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An API for open access to financial accounts to send and receive payments.

Open Payments (1.4)

The Open Payments API is a simple REST API with 4 resource types: wallet address, quote, incoming payment and outgoing payment.

The service endpoint for the API is always the URL of the wallet address resource and all other resources are sub-resources of the wallet address.

An incoming payment defines meta data that is automatically attached to payments made into the wallet address under that incoming payment. This facilitates automation of processes like reconciliation of payment into the wallet address with external systems.

An outgoing payment is an instruction to make a payment out of the wallet address.

A quote is a commitment from the Account Servicing Entity to deliver a particular amount to a receiver when sending a particular amount from the wallet address. It is only valid for a limited time.

All resource and collection resource representations use JSON and the media-type application/json.

The wallet address resource has three collections of sub-resources:

  1. /incoming-payments contains the incoming payment sub-resources
  2. /outgoing-payments contains the outgoing payment sub-resources
  3. /quotes contains the quote sub-resources

Access to resources and permission to execute the methods exposed by the API is determined by the grants given to the client represented by an access token used in API requests.



The API uses the Grant Negotiation and Authorization Protocol for authorization. An access token must be acquired from an authorization server before accessing the API and then provided in the request headers using the prefix GNAP.

All requests must also be signed using a client key over some select headers and a digest of the request body.

Security scheme type: apiKey

Header parameter name: Authorization