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Identity providers

Open Payments requires any authorization server that issues interactive grants to be integrated with an IdP.

An interactive grant is a grant that requires explicit user interaction/consent from the resource owner before an access token can be issued. In Open Payments, an interactive grant must be issued before an outgoing payment resource can be created.

After the interactive grant request is initiated and the authorization server sets the session, the server provides the client with the IdP URI in which to redirect the user.

The following diagram illustrates the flow of an interactive grant.

sequenceDiagram autonumber
    Client instance->>Authorization server (AS): Sends interactive grant request
    Authorization server (AS)-->>Client instance: 200 returns interact redirect uri and continue uri
    Client instance->>Authorization server (AS): Navigates to interact redirect uri
    Authorization server (AS)->>Authorization server (AS): Starts interaction and sets session
    Authorization server (AS)-->>Client instance: 302 temporary redirect to identity provider 
uri with grant info in query string Client instance->>Identity provider (IdP): Redirects to identity provider Identity provider (IdP)->>Identity provider (IdP): Resource owner (e.g. client end-user)
accepts interaction Identity provider (IdP)->>Authorization server (AS): Sends interaction choice Authorization server (AS) -->>Identity provider (IdP): 202 choice accepted Identity provider (IdP)->>Authorization server (AS): Requests to finish interaction Authorization server (AS)->>Authorization server (AS): Ends session Authorization server (AS)-->>Identity provider (IdP): 302 temporary redirect to finish url
(defined in initial grant request)
secured with unique hash and
interact_ref in query string Identity provider (IdP)->>Client instance: Follows redirect Client instance->>Client instance: Verifies hash Client instance->>Authorization server (AS): Sends grant continuation request with
interact_ref in body to continue uri Authorization server (AS)->>Client instance: 200 returns grant access token